Forums / Install & configuration / Multilingual site -- possible to create content only in the non-primary language?

Multilingual site -- possible to create content only in the non-primary language?

Author Message

Luis Cruz

Wednesday 26 May 2004 1:18:16 pm

Greetings all; I have read numerous threads on setting up a multilingual site but have not seen answers to a few questions I have. The web site I would like to setup would start off as being available in English and German. I setup the site to have English as the primary language and German as the secondary. I create some objects, press release for example, that have required fields.

Now, the problem I am facing is this. Press releases may differ between the English and German language sites. A press release done in German may not have an English equivalent. Is there a way to get ezPublish to allow you to enter content that is only for the German "translation"?

When I try to create a new press release object, I can only edit the German translation if I first fill in the required fields for the English translation.


Lazaro Ferreira

Thursday 27 May 2004 10:13:05 am


You can workaround this using a different siteaccess for your "only in german" information both sides (user and admin), to my knowledge this is a perfectly accepted practice for EZP 3 Sites




Luis Cruz

Wednesday 02 June 2004 2:34:47 pm

Not sure I am understanding your reply; do I need two separate installs? I followed the directions you have posted in other threads about setting up a multi-lingual site. How can I take those directions and from there be able to create content that is only in German?


Lazaro Ferreira

Friday 04 June 2004 10:32:37 am


Two separate 'siteaccess' under the same EZP installation

like this :


under settings/siteaccess/only_german will be your only in german site settings
under settings/siteaccess/only_german_admin will be your only in german admin site settings
optionally under design/only_german will be all of the templates and css for your 'only in german' content

to do the trick your RegionalSettings for the two siteaccess should set German as primary language

On the other hand you can share the same database (use an unique database for the whole EZP installation ), to do that put all of your 'only in german' content under a specific folder from your 'only in german' admin site
then point your IndexPage setting at


to your 'only in german folder'
for instance :


where 143 is the node of your 'only in german' top folder content

