Forums / Install & configuration / [solved] Feedback Form issue

[solved] Feedback Form issue

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Antony Gardez

Thursday 28 August 2008 6:11:33 am


I'm using eZ Publish 4.0.0 with a SMTP transport. This transport works since I receive e-mails when signing up new users.

However, when I submit my feedback form, I get no confirmation, nothing, just the filled form I wanted to send. And I never receive any e-mail. I tried to put "file" for Transport in my site.ini.append.php, and no file is created either when submitting my form. Though, a file is created when signing up. So it is really something going wrong with the feedback form.

I have installed eZ Human Captcha, and I tried to disable the extension but it doesn't seem to be the source of the problem.

There is absolutely nothing in 'collected information' in the administration panel.

Does anyone have an idea ?



Antony Gardez

Friday 29 August 2008 6:47:26 am

Well, I finally found an answer in the forum, here : .
The thing is, I still do not understand why the default template is working and not mine. The only difference I can see is about div tags. Why not.

Thanks anyway.