Forums / Install & configuration / shop upgrade 3.3-2 to 3.3-3 changed checkout

shop upgrade 3.3-2 to 3.3-3 changed checkout

Author Message


Tuesday 17 February 2004 6:35:47 am

I've upgraded from 3.3-2 to 3.3-3 and now when I click on the checkout button in the basket view I get directed to /shop/user/login (design/standard/templates/user/login.tpl) while on 3.3-2 I got directed to /shop/userregister/ (design/standard/templates/shop/userregister.tpl) which is how I like it to be with the extra fields. I've checked the settings, which quite obviously haven't changed as they are in overrides. Also user roles and settings in the admin panel haven't changed. So I can't seem to find out why it does that and how to fix it.

Any pointers?


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Wednesday 18 February 2004 4:23:34 am

I did another clean install on a different server with 3.3-3 and the shop package. The checkout button redirects by default to /shop/user/login (where /shop/ is the site interface). On a clean install of 3.3-2 the checkout redirects to /shop/userregister/ (where /shop/ is the module name). I think it's a bug, but it could be the correct behavior as well from 3.3-3. I guess I'll stick to 3.3-2 for now.

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Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 18 February 2004 4:43:35 am


Have you posted a bugreport about this? If you're sure about the odd behaviour: you should post a report...



Wednesday 18 February 2004 4:51:12 am

Well I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I think it's odd so I'll file a report.

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Dominik Pich

Tuesday 20 April 2004 2:32:11 am

Same for me... any way to change this or is it a bug indeed?


Tuesday 20 April 2004 6:06:52 am

yes, check if your shopaccount.ini is corrupt or 0 bytes. Replace it with a good one from e.g. 3.3-4.

I've made a bug report, but i guess they didn't care.

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Dominik Pich

Tuesday 20 April 2004 7:07:44 am

no seems okay...

#?ini charset="iso-8859-1"?
# eZ publish configuration file.
# NOTE: It is not recommended to edit this files directly, instead
#       a file in override should be created for setting the
#       values that is required for your site. Either create
#       a file called settings/override/shopaccount.ini.append or
#       settings/override/shopaccount.ini.append.php for more security
#       in non-virtualhost modes (the .php file may already be present
#       and can be used for this purpose).

# A list of directories to search for shopaccount handlers
# A list of extensions which have shop account handlers
# It's common to create a settings/shopaccount.ini.append file
# in your extension and add the extension name to automatically
# get handlers from the extension when it's turned on.

# Settings for how user accounts should be handled in the shop/checkout
# default is to use internal user accounts in the system
# simple is for handling account information without user registration
# Allows for overriding a handler with another
# Alias[ezdefault]=eztest


Tuesday 20 April 2004 8:58:23 am

And your shopaccount.ini.append? Try Handler=ezuser

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