Forums / Install & configuration / Section 0 does not exist

Section 0 does not exist

Author Message

Benjamin Selmer

Wednesday 13 September 2006 2:59:15 am

I have upgraded a site from 3.4.0 to 3.8.3. Everything works just fine exept for one thing:

On the old site all images are in section 0. On the new site there is no section zero. This causes all images to be inaccessible unless you are logged in as administrator.

Is there a simple way of making them all part of another section? Anyone have a script? There are houndreds of objects with section 0 so doing it manually is not very tempting.

Or is there a way to make a section with the id zero? Or does that zero mean that these objects are not part of any section?

The images are scattered all over the content tree (not in the medialibrary). If I could move them all into the media library and then reasing the media section to the media folder, they should all become part ov the media section. But as I said, there are houndreds of them scattered all over the place. Is there a way of bulk moving all objects of a certain class?

Per-Espen Kindblad

Wednesday 13 September 2006 3:34:42 am

I haven't tried this, but maybe you can fix this in the db, by using:
update ezcontentobject set section_id=1 where contentclass_id =5;

I guess your image class got id=5

*Remember backup before you test* ;)

Best regards
Per-Espen Kindblad

Benjamin Selmer

Wednesday 13 September 2006 3:57:52 am

That will probably work.
