Forums / Install & configuration / RSS Feed definition: One definition for multiple hostnames?

RSS Feed definition: One definition for multiple hostnames?

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Marco Zinn

Friday 25 March 2005 2:57:29 am

i have a ez 3.4 site running, which i want to export from RSS feeds for.
Issue: The Site can (and must) be adressed using multiple Hostnames, ie. , and (using the same siteaccess everywhere).
I need to have the RSS feed available for all of these hostnames. This works fine. But: In the RSS export definition, i need to enter a URL of the site, which is prependet to all "LINK" element of the individual items. So, i need to decide, which Hostname will be used for the RSS feed item's links , which actuall will redirect all Feedreaders to ONE of the "n" hostnames.

This is a show-stopper for me: Some clients will not be able to open the site with the DNS name of the host. They need to use the WINS name (this is an intranet system). Other clients cannot use the WINS name, the need to use DNS (or IP).
So, what i'd need is, that ez does not use a "fixed" URL for the hostname, but re-uses the hostname, that was used in the browser HTTP request for the RSS feed. So, i must create an indivual RSS-Feed for each hostname.
I think, there is a variable called {hostname} or so available in templates. This should do it, but i cannot configure the RSS export to use this.
I tried to omit the site URL completly (in the RSS export defintion), but that won't work with the RSS readers (and it's not valid RSS anyway, i think).

Site-question: I didn't find any good documentation on if the LINK-Urls of the items may be relative the the channel URL or if the need to be "fully qualified", that is starting with http://hostname/... . If they can be relative to the channel's URL, this might make it easier for ez ;)

Any comments are welcome. Mind, that i talk about ez 3.4, don't know, if there are enhancements about this in ez 3.5 or 3.6.

Thanks in Advance.


Kåre Køhler Høvik

Tuesday 12 April 2005 1:16:48 am


The RSS feeds are staticly generated due to performance issues. It's therefore impossible to configure it to your request at the moment.

The best solution in your case might be to create a template override for f.ex : /content/view/rss/<node_id> and write templates for generating the RSS feed. It's possible to cache this, so performance should be ok.

Kåre Høvik