Forums / Install & configuration / File permissions for some log files

File permissions for some log files

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Mauro Innocenti

Friday 25 March 2005 6:47:16 am

I'm in a linux box.

I configured eZ with file permissions on files and directories as 600 or 700, with these site.ini settings:

All work fine for cache and storage dir&files.
But the log files (written in "var/log/...") are created invariably with 660 or 666 permissions!

Which setting I'm missing?


Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 28 March 2005 9:11:32 pm

Hi Mauro,

It's preferred to use 0660 and make sure the web server has correct user/group access.


Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Mauro Innocenti

Monday 28 March 2005 11:30:59 pm

Thanks Lukasz,
but the user/group of my webserver have correct access to the var folder.
All files in "var" are created and accessed with no problem, but the permission used by Ez for the log files are different from the settings I writteng in site.ini.
Some log files are created (and updated) writable and readable to everyone (666), I don't want this!

It seem's log files permissions don't respect my settings in site.ini..