Forums / Install & configuration / Poor image quality - to much compression

Poor image quality - to much compression

Author Message

Valentin Svelland

Thursday 17 March 2005 6:08:33 am

I run eZp v.3.5-1 and every image I load into the admin gets compressed to death. I've got both GD and ImageMagick on my system. Think it's the latter one who's active and causing the blurry images.

Probably an easy task but how do I reduce imagecompression in settings?

I made eZ run on,, and Municipalities should use open source!

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 17 March 2005 6:16:24 am

Hi Valentin,

Look in to settings/image.ini file. There you can change image settings like quality, size, etc

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Valentin Svelland

Thursday 17 March 2005 8:31:59 am

Hi Lukasz, thanks for quick reply: I know about the image.ini override in my siteaccess, but this file has grown more advanced since prior versions of eZp. Would be great if u guys could be a bit more specific in which parameters to tweak. Thanks! ;)

I made eZ run on,, and Municipalities should use open source!

Thursday 17 March 2005 8:49:55 am

This might be what you are looking for in image.ini

# Set JPEG quality from 0 (worst quality, smallest file) to 100 (best quality, biggest file)

Valentin Svelland

Tuesday 22 March 2005 3:16:48 am

Thanks for your input, but I've tweaked this one without any effect. Seems like some other setting is overriding imagecompression..

Perhaps there is a way to avoid any compression if image file is less than say 50 Kb?

I made eZ run on,, and Municipalities should use open source!

Dirk Ziegener

Tuesday 12 April 2005 4:02:29 am

I ran into exactly the same problem, did you find a solution to increase the image quality ?



Tuesday 12 April 2005 5:04:19 am

Dirk, set the image quality as pointed out by Hans-Henry Jakobsen to a higher value in both image.ini and/or any image.ini override. Also using imagemagick, check if it's enabled, instead of GD will give you better/sharper images.

------------------------------- &

Valentin Svelland

Wednesday 01 June 2005 3:08:11 pm

Hi, I'm still not satisfied with my image quality. Seems like eZ is compressing them to death. Here's my image.ini-settings. I would be very thankful for any hints.

AliasSettings (1)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  AliasList  siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess siteaccess  [0] small
[1] medium
[2] listitem
[3] articleimage
[4] articlethumbnail
[5] gallerythumbnail
[6] imagelarge
[7] large
[8] rss
[9] logo   
  AnalyzerSettings (5)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  RepositoryList  default  [0] lib/ezimage/classes   
  ExtensionList  undefined     
  ImageAnalyzers  default default  [0] GIF
[1] EXIF   
  ImageAnalyzerAlias  undefined     
  AnalyzerMIMEList  default  [0] image/gif   
  AnimatedGIF (5)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  MIMEType  default  "image/gif"   
  Match  default  [is_animated] 1   
  OverrideMIMEType  default  "animation/gif"   
  DisallowedFilters  default  [0] *   
  ExtraFilters  undefined     
  EXIFAnalyzer (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Handler  default  "ezexif"   
  MIMEList  default default  [0] image/jpeg
[1] image/tiff   
  FileSettings (5)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  TemporaryDir  default  "imagetmp"   
  PublishedImages  default  "images"   
  VersionedImages  default  "images-versioned"   
  DirPermissions  default  0777   
  ImagePermissions  default  0666   
  GD (3)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Name  default  "GD"   
  IsEnabled  default  true   
  Handler  default  "ezimagegd"   
  GDSettings (1)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  HasGD2  default  false   
  GIFAnalyzer (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Handler  default  "ezgif"   
  MIMEList  default  [0] image/gif   
  ImageConverterSettings (4)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  RepositoryList  default  [0] lib/ezimage/classes   
  ExtensionList  undefined     
  ImageConverters  default default  [0] ImageMagick
[1] GD   
  ImageHandlerAlias  undefined     
  ImageMagick (13)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Name  default  "ImageMagick"   
  IsEnabled  override  true   
  Handler  default  "ezimageshell"   
  ExecutablePath  override  "/usr/local/bin"   
  Executable  override  "convert"   
  PreParameters  default  ""   
  PostParameters  default  ""   
  UseTypeTag  default  ":"   
  InputMIMEList  default  [0] *   
  OutputMIMEList  default  [0] *   
  QualityParameters  siteaccess  [0] image/jpeg; -quality %75   
  Filters  default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default  [0] geometry/scale=-geometry %1x%2
[1] geometry/scalewidth=-geometry %1
[2] geometry/scaleheight=-geometry x%1
[3] geometry/scaledownonly="-geometry" %1x%2>
[4] geometry/scalewidthdownonly=-geometry %1>
[5] geometry/scaleheightdownonly=-geometry x%1>
[6] geometry/scaleexact=-geometry %1x%2!
[7] geometry/scalepercent=-geometry %1x%2%
[8] geometry/crop=-crop %1x%2+%3+%4
[9] filter/noise=-noise %1
[10] filter/swirl=-swirl %1
[11] colorspace/gray=-colorspace GRAY
[12] colorspace/transparent=-colorspace Transparent
[13] colorspace=-colorspace %1
[14] border=-border %1x%2
[15] border/color=-bordercolor rgb(%1,%2,%3)
[16] border/width=-borderwidth %1   
  MIMETagMap  default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default default  [0] image/x-xpixmap; XPM
[1] image/png; PNG
[2] image/jpeg; JPEG
[3] image/bmp; BMP
[4] image/gif; GIF
[5] image/x-portable-bitmap; PBM
[6] image/tiff; TIFF
[7] image/pcx; PCX
[8] image/x-pict; PICT
[9] image/svg+xml; SVG
[10] image/tga; TGA
[11] image/vnd.wap.wbmp; WBMP
[12] image/x-xbitmap; XBM
[13] image/x-xcf-gimp; XCF
[14] application/x-photoshop; PSD
[15] application/pdf; PDF
[16] application/postscript; PS
[17] text/plain; TEXT   
  MIMETypeSettings (3)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  OverrideList  default  [0] AnimatedGIF   
  Quality  siteaccess  [0] image/jpeg; 85   
  ConversionRules  default default default  [0] image/gif; image/png
[1] image/x-xpixmap; image/png
[2] *; image/jpeg   
  OutputSettings (1)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  AllowedOutputFormat  default default default  [0] image/jpeg
[1] image/png
[2] image/gif   
  ShellSettings (1)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  ConvertPath  default  ""   
  articleimage (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=300; 450   
  articlethumbnail (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=170; 120   
  gallerythumbnail (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=70; 150   
  imagelarge (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=360; 440   
  large (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess override  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=360; 440
[1] geometry/scale=450; 600   
  listitem (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=110; 170   
  logo (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=250; 58   
  medium (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess override  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=200; 290
[1] geometry/scale=250; 400   
  reference (1)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Filters  default  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=600; 600   
  rss (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess  [0] geometry/scale=88; 31   
  small (2)   [legg til innstilling]  Plassering  Verdi    
  Reference  siteaccess  ""   
  Filters  siteaccess override  [0] geometry/scaledownonly=100; 160
[1] geometry/scale=150; 200 

I made eZ run on,, and Municipalities should use open source!

Peter Schnuerer

Wednesday 01 June 2005 11:56:11 pm

As posted here:

I do also have quality problems with png images that were generated with the "image()" funktion.

Perhaps it is the same problem!

Felix Laate

Sunday 05 June 2005 11:49:13 pm

Hi there..

I have the same problem. I tried the various tips here, but no change can be seen..

I tried GD and I tried ImageMagick.

Is there a way to turn of compression, i.e. only make the various sized version with the same compression as the original?


Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger

Torstein Hønsi

Tuesday 12 July 2005 7:16:10 am

Me too. Has anyone had any success with this?

I am making a website for a firm that makes bathroom furniture, and blurry, overcompressed images is no good way to persuade the public to buy their stuff!

I have changed the settings in the override with no success. I run version 3.5.6 and (currently) GD.

Espen R

Thursday 29 December 2005 3:17:29 am

In case someone is still searching for an answer to this issue, the solution can be found in this post: