Forums / Install & configuration / loop in admin interface ?

loop in admin interface ?

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Harry van Irsel

Wednesday 05 April 2006 11:31:01 am

I've a site running on a webhost. The site runs without problems.

Problems occur when I try to access the site through the admin interface. After I passed the logon screen, the actual admin screen is loaded and there it goes wrong.

9 out of 10 times I keep on staring to the screen trying while eZpublish is trying to build the admin screen. On my screen I get the admin interface but it keeps on doing something for several minutes.
I cann't see what is happening.
During that time my actual site isn't accessible.

After those several minutes I get an 'error on page' and I cann't do anything through the admin interface. So in the end I'm unable to update my site content.

Problem started when I installed eZpublish 3.7.3. After that I installed 3.7.4 and problem still remains. Now I've installed eZpublish 3.7.5 and I still got the same problem.

Funny thing is that now and then it works fine ?!

My webhost is running PHP4.4.2.

Only error message I get sometimes in my var/log/error.log is "Server variable 'QUERY_STRING' does not exist", but I cann't relate this message to the problem.

I know this description is very vague, but I cann't see anything what goes wrong.....

I really appreciate some help with this.

Kind regards,


Harry van Irsel

Friday 07 April 2006 10:35:11 am

looks like it has a relation to my browser, but I cann't figure out what.

I've tried to access the admin page through other computers with Internet Explorer and it works fine.
On my local computer (which has the testsite installed) it also works fine, but it seems to get into a loop or something at the moment I try to access my site at the webhost through the admin interface.

I've installed Mozilla Firefox and with that it works fine.

Are there some special IE-settings to work with the admin interface ?

The IE version I use : 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519, 128-bits, incl. SP2, based on NCSA Mosaic.