Thursday 06 April 2006 1:11:56 am
Hello, We have ez 3.7.2 on a P4 2G RAM, when trying to access the admin interface the connection times out, apache's memory usage jumps to 900MB for the child that was handling the request. After some investigation we think the problem is related to the treemenu in the left part of the admin interface, we have a node 'News' which has 200,000 objects directly under it, building the treemenu to handle this amount of objects results in the timeouts and the huge memory usage (Even the Ajax TreeMenu plugin times out). How can we disable 'generating and pushing' the treemenu from the controller to the view, if I remove the treemenu code from the template that wouldn't stop the controller from pushing this content anyway, right? Sorry if I'm totally off track but I am not a developer. Here is a link to a call trace with full parameters (250MB, 23MB gzipped) To be honest I couldn't make out anything useful out of it, here are my notes anyway:
1) At line 278863 is a slow sql query that took about 16 seconds.
2) At line 281520 is another slow query. 3) From line 281552 to line 490016 are mysql_fetch_array() calls which seem to be related to node 64