Forums / Install & configuration / Installation of 3.0 - locally vs. hosting service

Installation of 3.0 - locally vs. hosting service

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Roger Lindqvist

Saturday 04 January 2003 12:03:24 pm

I have installed 3.0 both locally on my PC and on a hosting service with linux/php/mysql. Locally I used the installer package with php/mysql and demo data and at my hosting service I used the manual installation described at Below is a summary of the problems I met. I hope some of you could help me because I am stuck! I would belive that others may have experienced similar problems.

1. The site.ini file seems to differ between the two alternatives. The local installation is the “normal” one with one by one line. The site.ini file at the installation on the hosting service is build up like a language file (in pre 3.0 versions) with squares between each setting and it becomes very hard to find the different settings in the text. Why is this? Have I got the wrong file? I suspect that it has something to do with the translation.

2. I can’t get images to show on the hosting service. I did try to install ImageMagick but I don’t know if I managed to do that a 100 percent right, but anyway it doesn’t work. Should the images show even if I didn’t install ImageMagick? And in case, do I have to install ImageMagick in a certain folder?

3. Where is my site?! Locally the admin and the site is respectively localhost/index.php/admin and localhost/index.php. On the other installation the admin is on mysite/ezpublish-2.9-6/index.php, but that’s the place I would belive I found the frontpage of my site! I supposed that the admin site would be at mysite/ezpublish-2.9-6/index.php/admin. I installed with demo data so I expected the “News 24” site to show up at mysite/ezpublish-2.9-6/index.php as it does on the local installation. I have checked my folder at my host and there are the same structure under the design folder (in override) as locally.

Thanks to the ez crew for their work!


Sunday 05 January 2003 8:12:43 am

> 2. I can’t get images to show on the hosting service. I did
> try to install ImageMagick but I don’t know if I managed to
> do that a 100 percent right, but anyway it doesn’t work.
> Should the images show even if I didn’t install ImageMagick?
> And in case, do I have to install ImageMagick in a certain
> folder?

Well I got the problem that images won't show up too. You can test a proper imagemagik installation just by typing "convert" into the shell. that the main exec. Ez3 is capable of displaying also images with the GD extension. Please have a look into the image.ini file.

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Richard Wood

Sunday 05 January 2003 12:52:29 pm

> > 2. I can’t get images to show on the hosting service. I
> did
> > try to install ImageMagick but I don’t know if I managed
> to
> > do that a 100 percent right, but anyway it doesn’t work.
> > Should the images show even if I didn’t install
> ImageMagick?
> > And in case, do I have to install ImageMagick in a
> certain
> > folder?
> Well I got the problem that images won't show up too. You
> can test a proper imagemagik installation just by typing
> "convert" into the shell. that the main exec. Ez3 is
> capable of displaying also images with the GD extension.
> Please have a look into the image.ini file.

I don't know if it's relevent to your case but I didn't see images while I was using a numeric IP address. When my domain name came online the problem fixed itself.


Sunday 05 January 2003 7:36:18 pm

> > Well I got the problem that images won't show up too.
> You
> > can test a proper imagemagik installation just by typing
> > "convert" into the shell. that the main exec. Ez3 is
> > capable of displaying also images with the GD extension.
> > Please have a look into the image.ini file.
> I don't know if it's relevent to your case but I didn't see
> images while I was using a numeric IP address. When my
> domain name came online the problem fixed itself.
> Richard.

Hi Richard,
You are da man ;-). THX a lot, my problem is solved now. I changed it. I had it running over and changed it to www:90. Now it works just perfect.


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