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Install - System Finetune

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John Smith

Tuesday 03 June 2008 4:22:08 am

Hi there,

Hope you can help me. This morning I was trying ez4.0 installation. First attempt with allow_url_fopen = Off

Only one issues just asking to enable allow_url_fopen = On

Second attempt with allow_url_fopen = On

As I need it for RSS feed as well, now the issues are:

1. PHP option Magic Quotes is enabled
magic_quotes_gpc = 0
magic_quotes_runtime = 0

2. Insufficient directory permission

ezpublish cannot write to the autoload directory.

I just want to know what is going on. Is there any relation with fopen, magic quotes and autoload directory permission.

Please help.


Ɓukasz Serwatka

Friday 06 June 2008 12:36:22 am

Keep magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime off for better performance. The autoload must be writeable as an autoload array can be updated when you activate new extension in admin interface (eZ Components are required as well, ezcBase and ezcFile if I remember).

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