Forums / Install & configuration / IIS and Clean URLs - No good

IIS and Clean URLs - No good

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Isaac Schlueter

Wednesday 17 March 2004 9:26:50 pm

IIS doesn't seem to like the index.php/blog style of URLs. These URLs all go to the same place:

Over at it looks like there's a bunch of setup instructions for IIS. I followed those, but the URLs are still no good - index.php/whatever still goes to the same place as index.php. (Thinking I must have missed something, I started over, and didn't follow those instructions, just followed the standard manual instructions. Didn't work. Tried those again. Nope.)

I looked in the php.ini file, and set this:
No change at all. (The comments there say that it's for cgi, not regular scripting, so I didn't really hold out much hope of that working.)

Does anyone know of a setting or something that I'm missing? Any help would be great.

Is there anyone out there who actually runs ezPublish in an IIS environment? If so, please let me know. Even if you can't tell me how you got it to work, I'd like to know that it's possible before I dump any more time into trying to solve this puzzle.

How hard would it be to just use the good old fashioned ?s and &s? It's not as pretty, but it would be much easier to set up IIS if that was an option. (Of course, I understand if this might just be too much work to enable at this point.)

(BTW, it works fine in Apache, and I really wish I could just use that. But Apache and IIS can't both monopolize port 80, and we've some other stuff that only runs in IIS and is mission-critical.)

If IIS isn't supported, it would be a great feature to have the first page of the installer say:
"Warning - you are running IIS and not Apache. You are going to tear all your hair out. Stop now and get a different CMS. EzPublish is Apache only. Thank you."

Thanks :)

Isaac Z. Schlueter

Isaac Schlueter

Thursday 18 March 2004 3:37:16 pm

I found some information on this at these sites:

Anyone else with this problem should check those out.