Forums / Install & configuration / How to link external Javascript files?

How to link external Javascript files?

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Gerhard Hoogterp

Tuesday 18 February 2003 3:34:56 am

While converting a site to ez3 I found a number of gotcha's for external files. Basicly css and js files.

The CSS can be handled by

<link href={"stylesheets/general.css"|ezdesign} rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

where the stylesheets directory is under design/slo/ (in this case) No problem there. background images in the CSS style can be found using relative paths (../images) which solves most of my problems there.

Javascript files are more problematic.

Mozilla reports:

Error: syntax error
Source File:
Line: 2
Source Code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

The path is ok, that's where the file is. Of course it doesn't contain a DOCTYPE line so where thatone comes from is beond me.

The call is made through:

<script language="JavaScript" src={"javascript/screen.js"|ezdesign} type="text/javascript">

which works as it should outside of ez.

Who can shine some light here? Thanks.

Tony Wood

Tuesday 18 February 2003 4:42:39 am

> While converting a site to ez3 I found a number of gotcha's
> for external files. Basicly css and js files.
> The CSS can be handled by
> <link href={&#034;stylesheets/general.css&#034;|ezdesign}
> rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
> where the stylesheets directory is under design/slo/ (in
> this case) No problem there. background images in the CSS
> style can be found using relative paths (../images) which
> solves most of my problems there.
> Javascript files are more problematic.
> Mozilla reports:
> Error: syntax error
> Source File:
> Line: 2
> Source Code:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &#034;-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
> Transitional//EN"
> The path is ok, that's where the file is. Of course it
> doesn't contain a DOCTYPE line so where thatone comes from
> is beond me.
> The call is made through:
> <script language=&#034;JavaScript&#034;
> src={&#034;javascript/screen.js&#034;|ezdesign}
> type=&#034;text/javascript&#034;>
> </script>
> which works as it should outside of ez.
> Who can shine some light here? Thanks.

Try adding |js to your http conf insert for the site. By default .js files are not allowed. If you add them they then work.

i.e. change
RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png)$
RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png||js)$

While your there probably best to add |ico for .ico files so you can get your favicon working :)


Tony Wood :
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Gerhard Hoogterp

Tuesday 18 February 2003 4:55:23 am

> i.e. change
> RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png)$
> to
> RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png||js)$
> While your there probably best to add |ico for .ico files so
> you can get your favicon working :)

And gif as there's still a lot of it around.. Thanks, completely forgot about those setting.

Kristoffer Karlsson

Wednesday 16 November 2005 4:00:02 am

In which file am I supposed to change this?

> RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png)$
> to
> RewriteRule !\.(gif|css|jpg|png||js)$


Mark Marsiglio

Wednesday 16 November 2005 5:21:22 am

This is either in an .htaccess file in your root directory (enable viewing of files that begin with a period in your FTP client), or your httpd.conf. Unless you own the server and have root access, the .htaccess is the most likely file to change.
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