Forums / Install & configuration / How To :Datatype for allow registration to newsletter during user registration ???

How To :Datatype for allow registration to newsletter during user registration ???

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Stefano Gattuso

Sunday 07 August 2011 5:26:53 am

Hello i am modifing the nvnewsletter extension..what i want like result is to have subscription to newsletter and user registration togheter in same form..

For make that i am creating a datatype which will be added on user class and using the validateObjectAttributeHTTPInput method for insert the user on the newsletters ystem.

Now here is the problem : how to acces to information abuot email adress (which user used on another Datatype on that form)?


now i am using :  $email = $http->postVariable('ContentObjectAttribute_data_user_email_2558');


but i dont like it!

PS : Sorry for my bad eng.

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