Forums / Install & configuration / How to change language of mis-configured 3.8 site?

How to change language of mis-configured 3.8 site?

Author Message

Matthew Carroll

Sunday 18 June 2006 2:48:09 pm

Hi, I'm in the process of converting all the ezpublish sites on our server to 3.8. One of the sites was misconfigured when it was set up, and the language code of all the content is eng-GB even though the site is really in German. I only realised because when I migrated to 3.8 and added the new language settings:


...most of the content dissapeared. Changing the setting to ShowUntranslatedObjects=enabled has provided a 'fix', but the underlying issue is still there.

I did some searching in the database and found 'eng-GB' in the following locations:

ezcontent_language (1)
ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code (1730)
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation / .real_translation (368)
ezimagefile.filepath (317)

I also found some info on changing the database before installation here:

...but that is specific to 3.7, and even with the comments there I'm not sure exactly how to go about making the changes I'm after. Also, I'm confused by what effect using sql to change the languages would have on the image file paths.

Could someone who knows the internals of the new multilingual system (and mysql!) better than I do provide any guidance? All I want to do is convert this uni-lingual 'english' site (where the content is german) into a unilingual ger-DE site throughout. I could downgrade back to 3.7 quite easily if that would make it any easier.


Kristof Coomans

Sunday 18 June 2006 11:59:47 pm

Hi Matthew

Don't forget about the language id's stored in the db: ezcontentobject_attribute.language_id, ezcontentobject_version.initial_language_id and the language mask: ezcontentobject_version.language_mask. You will find more info about the new fields for the improved multilingual support for 3.8 in . It also contains info on how the language masks are calculated.

If you didn't have to do too much work to upgrade this site to 3.8, I would recommend downgrading first and correcting the language on a 3.7 site. At first sight this will be more simple.

You will have to modify the paths of the files and images because they indeed use the language code. Maybe a shell script can do this job for you.

Good luck!

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