Softriva .com
Saturday 17 June 2006 12:51:49 pm
in the aaa-AA.ini in share/locale directory there is a configuration key=value as: MondayFirst=yes
With the above, First day of week is Monday. If MondayFirst=no
then First day of week: Sunday In some countries the first day of the week is neither Monday nor Sunday. Is there away around this. I mean is there away to set the first day of the week to be different from Monday or Sunday.
Steven E. Bailey
Monday 19 June 2006 6:35:51 am
Looks like the MondayFirst is only used in lib/ezlocale/classes/ezlocale.php which has this defined:
$this->DayNames = array( 0 => 'sun', 1 => 'mon', 2 => 'tue',
3 => 'wed', 4 => 'thu', 5 => 'fri', 6 => 'sat' );
$this->WeekDays = array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 );
Looks like you could hack WeekDays if you need a different start day. As in: $this->WeekDays = array( 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ); for a Friday start... Of course, I haven't tested this and there may be a more elegant solution...
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