Forums / Install & configuration / How can I manually set EZ to use GD and do net use ImageMagick ?

How can I manually set EZ to use GD and do net use ImageMagick ?

Author Message

Ruslan Inozemtsev

Friday 10 October 2003 3:31:52 am

I'm trying to install EZ, but EZ don't display images in articles, gallerys e/t/c, Installation program shows Image Magick as ImageConversion type, how can i manually set EZ to use GD for image conversion, may be it will solve my problem :(

or is any other way to solve this problem ?

Hans Melis

Friday 10 October 2003 5:27:02 am

Edit image.ini.append(.php) in settings/override and look for similar settings:


UseConvert means it uses ImageMagick
UseGD means it uses the GD library of PHP. If you have GD enabled in PHP, you can set UseConvert to false. ImageMagick can do more conversions than the GD library though.



Roy Bøhmer

Tuesday 13 April 2004 7:31:39 am

image.ini seems to be ok.
I did check phpinfo() before I did the post, and did wonder why no note about gd showed up. Anyway... this is what I did:

- uncommented extension=php_gd2.dll in php.ini
- downloaded php_gd2.dll and placed it inside ...\php\extensions
- restarted apache

Now it seems to work all right. At least I've managed to get one text rendered :-)
