Forums / Install & configuration / eZ Publishing setup does not start

eZ Publishing setup does not start

Author Message


Wednesday 15 June 2005 12:44:56 pm


This is my first try to install eZ

My hosting server features:

MySQL 4.0.24
PHP 4.3.11 & PHP 5.0.4
GD support
Zend Optimizer
eZ Publish - latest version

I have uploaded all files via FTP on my hosting space, created the database, pointed the browser to start the setup wizard and nothing is loaded.
All I get when trying to is a "waiting for..." message in the status bar, then "Done" and nothing is displayed.

My web hosting is very powerful, never had such issues, I tested over 20 CMS applications.

Here you can access my eZ Publishing testing link.

Thank you,

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 15 June 2005 11:23:46 pm

Hi Alexandru,

It`s great that you want to use eZ publish, welcome to eZ publish Community ;)

Try make this steps.

Open file settings/site.ini in text editor, then find TemplateCompile and set value to disable


And try once again.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Mac Bral

Thursday 16 June 2005 3:17:54 am

Hi Lukasz!
Do You speak PL?

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 16 June 2005 3:19:35 am

Hi Mac,

Yes I do ;)

Oczywiscie ;)

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Mac Bral

Thursday 16 June 2005 3:46:16 am

Daj jakis email :)
Mam pytanie :)

Łukasz Serwatka

Thursday 16 June 2005 3:52:54 am

Please write in plain english and follow the guidelines

You can write your question here on forum as well.

Dziekuje ;)

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Mac Bral

Thursday 16 June 2005 3:59:36 am

Dear Lukasz!
The question is straight to You!

How good do You know ez.publish?

1 point very bad
10 points excellent


Thursday 16 June 2005 3:24:22 pm

Hello Lukasz,

Thank you for your message.

I am glad to join eZ Publish Community, which I find, along with eZ itself, friendly and prompt.

As you have instructed me, I have edited the site.ini file, the setup doesn't start either.
The only one thing is that if I point my browser, but only if I point it so, to the whole URI path including the index.php file, after a looooong (30 sec.) time it appears the setup with 2 options: Fine Tuning and Next. Any click I choose, after ~15 sec. the usual 404 unavailable page is showing each time, with no exceptions.

Maybe there is another setting. I tried to find other posts in the forum before posting, but couldn't fine a similar one.

Thank you again,


Mark West

Friday 01 July 2005 1:06:25 pm


I too use the same hosting company and cannot get ezpublish setup. Were you successful in getting it running?
