Forums / Install & configuration / ez Publish won't install properly

ez Publish won't install properly

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Nicole Findeisen

Sunday 18 January 2004 4:15:01 am

The installation process seems to be OK, but when it says "finished" you and get the links to the User Site and Admin Site, by clicking on them youm get the following error message:

Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

That's all.

A lack of memory can't be the problem, 16 MB are available and the installation doesn't complain that it's not enough.

Anyone else stuck here or anyone who knows what the problem could be?

It worked once after the installation, but we decided to make a new installation in a neutrally named folder. That didn't work. So we thred it a third time leaving the folder un-renamed. Didn't work anymore as well.

Lazaro Ferreira

Sunday 18 January 2004 7:34:40 am

What are you getting from the debug output ?


Peter Robins

Monday 19 January 2004 2:25:07 am

I just had the same helpful msg in the middle of install.
apache error log says 'Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded' so I upped the time to 60 secs and tried again. This time it worked.

I must say this is a bit of a showstopper for me. If ezpublish won't run on a bog standard php/mysql web hosting site, it's no use to me.

Later ...
and I now get the same with apache log reading 'Allowed memory size of 12582912 bytes exhausted' so I upped it to 18MB - now it seems satisfied. Dear dear . . .

Documentation should also make clear for the uninitiated that apache has to be restarted after changing php.ini

Claus Jensen

Monday 19 January 2004 7:38:58 am

There is a lot of info on this in the docs which is quite useful. Also ezpublish har nothing to do with configuring php.ini so I dont think it should be in the docs. Maybe a FAQ, but still its common that ini files are only loaded when the services starts, not when a file changes, or on every hit from a browser.


Patricio Villacorta

Monday 19 January 2004 10:06:22 am

When im install ezpublish 3.2 get same problem, because i prefer use apache from distro and php from distro (red hat 9). I solve this problem increazing memory_limit to 64 and max_execution_time = 180.

My machine where running that ez is a pentium 3 500 Mhz / 256 Mb RAM.