Forums / Install & configuration / HOWTO: Large file upload fails

HOWTO: Large file upload fails

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Dominik Pich

Monday 19 January 2004 7:14:51 am

php mem = 32+
ez isnt able to upload files greater than..... 20mb or so...
What do I do to overcome this? Any ez-solution? Or any other? If not adding a new datatype using ftp may be an option.

Balazs Halasy

Monday 19 January 2004 7:27:05 am

Check & re-configure your max HTTP POST size (or whatever this setting is called, I don't remember 100%) in php.ini and in your Apache config (httpd.conf).


Dominik Pich

Monday 19 January 2004 10:07:51 am

I did change it - anything else?

Marco Zinn

Monday 19 January 2004 10:13:25 am

Dominik, i think, there were 2 settings in the php.ini.
something like
max_post_size (the one, that Balasz meant)
and something like

Increase both and note, that they are usually in Bytes, not KB or so.
You MAY need to restart the webserver.


Dominik Pich

Tuesday 20 January 2004 1:05:03 am

Thanks :)