Forums / Install & configuration / Error: eZDataType::loadAndRegisterType - Please help me sort this

Error: eZDataType::loadAndRegisterType - Please help me sort this

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Tim Dickinson

Saturday 14 August 2004 3:55:14 pm

Can someone please help me with this.

The problem seems really odd, and I just can't see, to work it out at all.
Most of my site now works again after upgrading from 3.2-1 to 3.4.1 (it has taken a few attempts ;)

That is templates work fine, links directory, download reviews (something I added myself), sitemap, search, etc... all work great. In fact the only thing that doesn't work are news/articles (and the folders they are in).

It doesn't make a difference which siteaccess I use for them, I have tried admin, standard, demo and my own (melodic), but none will show the articles.

I have got debug on, and everytime I go to an article page or an articles folder I get the following errors:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/amelody/public_html/kernel/classes/ezcontentobjectattribute.php on line 767
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

Warning: PHP Aug 14 2004 18:33:25
Undefined variable: navigationPartIdentifier in /home/amelody/public_html/kernel/classes/eznodeviewfunctions.php on line 69

Error: eZDataType::loadAndRegisterType Aug 14 2004 18:33:25
Datatype not found: , searched in these directories: kernel/classes/datatypes

Error: eZDataType::loadAndRegisterType Aug 14 2004 18:33:25
Datatype not found: , searched in these directories: kernel/classes/datatypes

<i>If it makes any difference, the only thing that I haven't managed to get to work in the update scripts is updatetranslations.php

which gives the following error (in debug):</i>

Error: (eZDataType::loadAndRegisterType)
Datatype not found: , searched in these directories: kernel/classes/datatypes
____________________________________________________ - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

Tim Dickinson

Saturday 14 August 2004 5:40:03 pm

Whoops - forget to add some info on my setup.

I'm running ezpublish with php as a CGI, and the patch from Bruce Morrison (which has been great) as I don't have CLI.

I'm running it on a shared linux box with:

PHP version 4.3.4
MySQL version 4.0.20-standard
cPanel Build 9.4.1-STABLE 65
Apache version 1.3.29 (Unix)

I did have it working fine with version 3.2-1, with the help of the cgi-patch.

Thanks in advance,

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

Tim Dickinson

Sunday 15 August 2004 5:09:31 am

Well, I've worked out that it all seems to be to do with the ezcontentobject_attribute table.

For the objects that work, the datatype_string field says ezxmltext, ezurl, ezstring, etc..., but the ones that don't work have a blank field.

I have found where the problem (for me lies), and that is in the dbupdate-3.2-4-to-3.3-1 sql update script.

In fact it is in this section:

create table ezcontent_attribute_tmp as select ezcontentobject_attribute.*, ezcontentclass_attribute.data_type_string from ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute where and ezcontentclass_attribute.version=0;

delete from ezcontentobject_attribute;

alter table ezcontentobject_attribute add data_type_string varchar(50) not null;

insert into ezcontentobject_attribute select * from ezcontent_attribute_tmp;
drop table ezcontent_attribute_tmp;

Only problem is, I can'r get it to work, it keeps giving errors??
Any ideas?


Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music


Friday 29 October 2004 2:39:40 am

I'll refer to this topic(because it's maybe the same bug):

where I also get this error-message when debugging:
Warning: PHP Oct 29 2004 10:50:00
Undefined variable: navigationPartIdentifier in /kernel/classes/eznodeviewfunctions.php on line 69

This is the debug after the user tries to log in and get the fatal error and is not able to enter the ez publish admin-part.