Wednesday 19 July 2006 8:07:48 pm
Hi Let my try to help again. I'm not a Ubuntu expert and I'm not 100% updated on what user Apache run with as standard in Ubuntu, but I found something strange in your configuration. In your first post you write: <i>On a new webserver installing ezpublish 3.8.1 and following the installationscript and changing the accessright according to the set up script </i> I guess the access rights settings you refer to is the one form the output of
This script sets 777 as permissions in var/
Find the user and group for your web server and make them owner of all files in var/
You should be able to find this information in the configuration file for your web server.
For example:
If your web server user is apache and the group is apache, then run the following commands:
# chown -R apache.apache var/
# chmod -R 770 var/
As far as I can see from Ubuntu forums the Apche user and group is www-data:www-data and not nobody:nogroup, isn't that correct for your installation as well ? If your Apache user and group is www-data:www-data, your should run this commands to get correct access according to
cd /var/www/
chown -R www-data:www-data var/
chmod -R 770 var/
I'm sorry if I miss understood something, but as fare as I can understand based on Ubuntu forums and the output of your have wrong owner of your var folder. I also get segfault from my Apache with eZ publish 3.8.0 if I remove the apache user's right to write data in var/cache/ini. For me this seems to be logical since eZ publish will try to write data cache files that he don't have access to write.
Best regards Egil Fujikawa Nes
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