Tuesday 20 July 2004 7:16:33 pm
I am setting a site (http://politicalretort.org) using eZ Publish 3.4.1, and everything is working great, except for search. Every-time I search for anything, regardless of weather I am in the user or admin interface, I get "no results found" for terms I know exist on my site. Here is what I have done. First I checked to make sure that the appropriate parts of the article class were searchable (they were). Next, using PHPMyAdmin, I took a look at the tables for the "ezsearch_word" in my database. Sure enough, terms from the test article I published were there, so I know stuff is getting indexed properly. Finally, following a suggestion from someone another forum post, I re-uploaded all the files in the "search" folder, inside the kernel. This did no good as well. So, if anyone has and suggestions or can point me to the appropriate forum discussion , I would appreciate it very much.
Thanks, Nathaniel