Forums / Install & configuration / Actions not working behind proxy server?

Actions not working behind proxy server?

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Vivienne van Velzen

Monday 25 October 2004 2:51:35 am

Hi all,

I'm in the following situation. Occasionally I work from home. To get to the customer intranet server, I use a tunnel through work, as such:
home -> work (proxy) -> customer

I can surf the intranetsite, no problem. But when I try to log in, I get a 'Page cannot be displayed' page. So I try to go to the admin-page again, and I am logged in. Annoying, but no problem yet. BUT when I then try to edit an object, I get the same 'Page cannot be displayed' page, so I can't edit anything (which IS a problem).

Seeing as I don't have this problem when I'm working from the office, it must have something to do with the proxyserver they use to make the connection to the intranetserver of the customer (which, according to them, is as transparent as they can make it).
Can anyone help me with this (i.e. suggestions for configuration, ezpublish changes, etc.)?


Paul Borgermans

Monday 25 October 2004 5:39:36 am


Welcome to the (reverse) proxy world, I have fought my own deal on this. At least if you have a tunnel as a virtual host in the proxy server.

Could you ask which (reverse actually) proxy server they are using? If it is apache, they should at least also turn canonical names on in the apache config (default is off). Squid should be just fine, also with older versions of ez publish.

The problem is probably that the edits you try will lookup the hostname and port of the server and put this explicitely in the request headers.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Vivienne van Velzen

Tuesday 02 November 2004 2:19:30 am

Hi Paul,

Sorry for the late reply. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn't mean that the problem is solved :-(. I got some information on the proxyserver.

Proxyserver: Apache 1.3.27
Canonical names: on (has always been on)

If you got any other possible solution, I'd welcome it. Please tell me if you need more configuration info, 'cause I've got no idea what's needed.
