Forums / General / What is the difference between node/view and content/view

What is the difference between node/view and content/view

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Gerhard Sletten

Friday 19 September 2008 1:18:46 am

When overriding templates for my content I have been overriding <b>node/view/[viewname]</b> but I just discovered that when using the embed xml-tag:

<embed size="medium" view="line" id="test-id" align="left" href="ezobject://83" />

I need to create an override for <b>content/view/line</b> rather than <b>node/view/line</b>, unless I change the href attribute to "eznode". By default Online Editor embed with ezobject, but is there a way to configure it to rather embed with eznode so I don't have to write duplicated code in both node/view/.. and content/view/..?

When browsing with system url's like Ez seems to use the node/view, what is the logic in that?

Triathlon, Webdev, Novels and Cooking..

Nathan Kelly

Thursday 23 October 2008 10:47:40 pm

I'm also looking for a solutions to this issue.

By default Online Editor embed with ezobject, but is there a way to configure it to rather embed with eznode

I am working on a site where many nodes are located in multiple subtrees and embedding with ezobject forces the content/view templates to link to the location of the main node rather than the node under the current subtree due to the context of the template {$object.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}.

Does anyone know if it is possible to configure the editor to use eznode instead of ezobject? It is impossible to have the users of the site edit embed tags by hand.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Yannick Komotir

Friday 24 October 2008 3:26:32 am

I think that node/view is used when a node is called, but content/view is used when the content of a node is directly include to the content of another node.
/*correct me if what I say is wrong*/

<|- Software Engineer @ eZ Publish developpers -|>