Forums / General / User management - setting up roles

User management - setting up roles

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Ola Eirik Klingen

Monday 06 June 2005 4:54:29 am


I'm making this site where I try to give the different users different roles. The three main roles are:
- Visitors - people looking at the site
- Editors - People being allowed to edit and create new folders, articles and so on (but NOT allowed to publish)
- Admin - create users, change layout, publishing articles made by others and so on.

I'm struggling with the Editor-role. How can I allow people to create, edit and similar actions, but not allowing them to publish this at the same time? It's only the Admin that should be allowed to do this in this case.

And is it possible that the Admin receive an e-mail each time someone has made a new document or changed a previous one, so that this Admin can choose wether to publish this article or not?

If someone could help me with this, or guide me to some kind of related documentation I would be very thankful.

Mikael Johansson

Thursday 07 July 2005 5:50:16 am

I think you'll want to look at workflows.

Workflows can be used for moderating articles before they are published.

Documentation on workflows:

There are some workflows under contributions as well (

Mikael Johansson, Sweden