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User Administration

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Zachary Shaw

Thursday 08 July 2004 11:43:23 am

I am currently testing a number of CMSs EZ, typo3, acs-cms, bricolage.
One of the main requirements we need out of our CMS is the ability for users (not necessarily the most tech savvy) to manage their own content. For example in typo3 it is relatively simple to set up a new user who can edit only certain sections of the site. They log into the admin interface and are only given a limited number of choices... it's simple (but not that intuitive).

I am using 3.4 and I have gone through all the documentation in
And have gone though and done everything in "Building an eZ publish site"

I am still unclear on how to setup the site so that users can edit their own pages.
I have setup new Editor Users but they cannot log into the admin interface.

Any help or direction to documentation would be appreciated.

Frederik Holljen

Friday 09 July 2004 5:17:09 am

Permissions are set entirely through the Role system (found under the User tab). If you create a new role you can set where the user is able to login using the module "user", the function "login". Then choose the siteaccesses that user should be able to log into.
The result should be something like:
Module Function Limitation
User Login SiteAccess( admin )

A user assigned to this role would be able to log into the admin interface.

Now you can give this user rights to edit any number of content classes using the Content module. An example is the article class:
Module Function Limitation
Content * *

A user assigned to this role is able to create/delete/change all content. Another possibility is:
Module Function Limitation
Content Edit Owner( self )

This role allows a user to edit all content he/she has created. Remember to allow the user to create content somewhere though.

These are just examples, you can of course create lots of other roles and/or make more interesting combinations. Take a look at the existing roles for more examples.

Unfortunately there isn't any documentation on roles right now. You can expect it in the not to distant future.