Tuesday 21 September 2004 1:20:17 pm
well, we actually did both with extensions, that we bought from ezSystems for our ez 3.3 system. First, we had a CSV import module, which imported users to pre-installed user groups, including the sending of generated first-time passwords by email to the individual user. Now, we are having a User directory, which can be accessed via SOAP. ezSystems wrote an extension, which provided a new user handler, which connects to that User directory via SOAP and checks for the Password. If the login is okay, the SOAP server replies with the full user data, as well as some role identifiers. The user plugin maps those roles to ezPublish roles and creates or updates a "local user" (the one in the ezPublish DB). The SOAP solution is quite special for our needs, but the CSV import should work fine for any ezPublish solution.