Forums / General / [SOLVED] kernel (3) object you requested is not currently

[SOLVED] kernel (3) object you requested is not currently

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Monday 27 November 2006 1:11:19 am

Hello !

We have finished an ez publish project but we are now facing problems in production.

While it was working ok on dev environment, it has now in production a different behaviour : some specific "actions", like "Replying to an existing forum message", "New comment to an article"... throw a kernel 3 error "The object you requested is not currently available".

I have no clue why it is happening. Is it linked to templating ? cache ? sessions management ? database corrupted ?

Thank you very much for any advice !


Here are some informations :
ez publish 3.8.4 / Windows Server 2003 / Apache 2 / Mod SSPI

debug of the "New comment to an article page" :

Module start 'content'
Debug:  Nov 24 2006 16:39:55
Error: error/view.php Nov 24 2006 16:39:55
Error ocurred using URI: /websiteXXX/content/action
Timing:  Nov 24 2006 16:39:55
Module end 'error'

from site.ini :



from php.ini :

apc.enabled = 1
apc.shm_segments = 1
apc.shm_size = 30	 
apc.optimization = 1
apc.num_files_hint = 1000
apc.ttl = 0	 
apc.gc_ttl = 3600	 
apc.cache_by_default = 1
apc.filters = NULL
apc.mmap_file_mask =
apc.slam_defense = 0
apc.file_update_protection = 2	 
apc.enable_cli = 0


Tuesday 28 November 2006 12:38:42 am

Some more informations...

- We use a multi lingual website (based on the intranet website, with only one "public" siteaccess) ; content is only in french at the moment ; customer's employees may use an "english" internet explorer.
- We already cleared the cache many times (including deleting cache/ files and subfolders)
- The problem seems to be at the moment of creating a new entry in the ezurlalias table, 1 time out of 5 it is successful, other times it fails.
- Lastly, this problem also occurs in the admin back office, while creating a new user, article, and so on.

Thank you very much for any help or advice !



Tuesday 28 November 2006 6:27:21 am

Ok, now it is time for the answer ;) (at last !)

The problem was not :
- caching
- sessions
- multi lingual

The problem was "SSPI" (Apache module for transparent authentication).

The latest version (1.0.4) has a known bug which fails most of the time to submit correctly POST data in forms.

Hence the problems in commenting an article, answering a poll, replying to a forum message, creating an article from the admin web ui.

Hope it helps...
