Forums / General / Problem with the search...resulted a problem with ini...

Problem with the search...resulted a problem with ini...

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Christine Romel

Wednesday 13 October 2004 5:33:35 am

i had the problem of " All Searches return 0 results"..i read the forums concerning this..and somebody suugested that i may return the debug on to see what's the problem.. i did that at file ..settings/siteaccess/mysite/site.ini.append --> debug=enabled and then uploaded the file..i had those errors : access denied and user not found...+ Connection error: Couldn't connect to database.
all of these appeared just when i tried to open the site.. and not the search tool..
and when i returned what i've changed back and uploaded the file again(so not to debug) never openes the site again:(( and same error of access denied appear..
so plz what's the reason?? i used to access everything before changing anything in the .ini file...

soo plzz help..
i just wanted to solve the search problem..but now i can't access my site at alll..:(

would anybody help!!!

Ole Morten Halvorsen

Wednesday 13 October 2004 7:17:34 am


Looks to me like your database settings got messed up somehow. Could check if all your database settings under [DatabaseSettings] is correct? These settings should be in your settings/siteaccess/<your_siteaccess>/site.ini.append or settings/override/site.ini.append

Ole M.

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology

eZ Certified Developer

Christine Romel

Thursday 14 October 2004 4:07:23 am

Hi Ole..
i tried to find what is wrong with is all fine,except when i tried to use the mysql.exe to reconnect to DB using that command: \r myDB localhost told me that access denied also...:( for user @localhost to database myDB..
the \s command gives me no connection..

so how can i make the access allowed again!!
or what did i do wrong!!
plzzz help..