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New Project Section on

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Łukasz Serwatka

Friday 07 April 2006 6:07:19 am

Hi there,

We have published today first draft of specification for new projects section on This specification describes the implementation of a new projects section on the website.

You can download the spec here:

If you have any feedback please post a comment in this forum topic.

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Kristof Coomans

Friday 07 April 2006 6:55:30 am

Looks nice!

I'm missing the possibility to close a project if it's not maintained anymore or if it provided kernel patches which were merged in later eZ publish releases. Could be a simple checkbox and a textfield with the reason of closure...

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Forsyth

Friday 07 April 2006 7:33:45 am

I think you should include SVN as standard. New projects should create a new area on pubsvn automatically with appropriate user rights. IMHO this is essential for 'team' support.

For RSS feeds we already have a small mod to allow feeds from any node so no need to set up a specific feed every time that we could contribute.

Im still reading :)


Łukasz Serwatka

Sunday 09 April 2006 11:41:49 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for comments.

@Kristof: good idea, we could mark a unmaintained project with different color or icon to show the difference between maintained.

@Paul: I can agree with SVN, however many of contributions does not use it. Users don't know about possibility? or they just don't need it?

We were thinking about extending current RSS export and maybe include it in future eZ publish version. Is your RSS mod public available for testing?

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Paul Forsyth

Monday 10 April 2006 2:03:05 am

The RSS mod is private for now but we can open if need be. We are also looking at the Syndicate RSS contribution to see if it can be rolled in.

I think if we take a no-svn approach then for those projects that need it they will stall. An automatic approach is better. If the repository isnt used then no space is wasted.

Tobias Struckmeier

Wednesday 12 April 2006 6:17:53 am

Would be also nice if there can be a list of developers and maintainers. Maybe also glued to users. So other maintainers can also manage the contribution and other developers that might help are listed.

Per-Espen Kindblad

Wednesday 12 April 2006 10:35:49 am

I agree. I'm thinking of starting a site where developers can register, and also projects can be registered when people search for developers to different projects.

In this way it's also possible to make a bid on a project, so "customers" can find developers who offers to complete the project to the best price.


Kristian Hole

Tuesday 18 April 2006 11:20:52 pm

This sounds like a good update to ye' old contributions-section.

I agree that SVN would be good, but maybe not for all projects. How about adding a projects area to pubsvn, and a form which the developers can use to register their project there if they want to use SVN?


Kristof Coomans

Tuesday 02 May 2006 10:21:48 am

Is there a forecast date when we can expect this upgrade?

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Borgermans

Tuesday 02 May 2006 1:32:36 pm

Or should we implement something on pubsvn in the meantime?

eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Paul Forsyth

Monday 08 May 2006 9:03:48 am

is it worth knocking heads together at the conference, with lukasz and sandro too?


Łukasz Serwatka

Monday 08 May 2006 9:26:33 am

I have collected all ideas from Community, Partners and eZ crew. I will come with date estimates and more details tomorrow concerning new project section. Stay tuned ;)

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Kristof Coomans

Monday 08 May 2006 10:14:29 am

The topic about the community documentation project could be closely related to this one ( ).

I'm looking forward to hear some more news.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Paul Borgermans

Monday 08 May 2006 1:43:23 pm

Hi Luke,

I think we need something up and running before the conference or postpone the conference alltogether ;-)


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Sandro Groganz

Tuesday 09 May 2006 6:05:37 am

An updated version of the projects section spec will be available next week, including all above mentioned ideas and some more which came up internally.

Concerning a date when the projects section will be available: it will not be before the eZ publish conference, that's for sure :) It would in general be too early to tell a date, especially because we'd like to collect feedback at a meeting during the conference. After that meeting, we all should have a good understanding of what we want and what to implement within which time frame.

Should we simply make the meeting suggested in the community doc thread[1] a meeting about the projects section? Let me know and I will check when and where is the best time to meet during the conf. Feel free to make suggestions.


Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Sandro Groganz

Friday 19 May 2006 4:08:38 am

A short delay: the enhanced spec will be available until mid upcoming week.

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Sandro Groganz

Tuesday 23 May 2006 6:22:16 am

Here's the new version, available for download.

Please notice that the projects section is now thought to be used not only by developers in the eZ community, but also by eZ partners and projects focusing on marketing sales, etc. Hence, the scope is very broad now - a true project management infrastructure for the eZ ecosystem!

The next step is to meet at the conference - I'll keep you updated about a date and time when we could meet a week ahead. Let me know should you have any suggestions.

Looking forward to read your feedback!

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Paul Borgermans

Friday 26 May 2006 10:54:22 am

Hi Sandro

Some parts of the spec are pretty ambitious, which makes me suspicious about the final outcome (we have had so many promises before ...). Some things in your spec cannot be done or not easily with ez publish right now like "manage team".

However, I never give up so I propose we gather somewhere during the partner day with a small team (you, me, Lukasz, Paul F and Kristian ...). There we can spend a few hours and then put it up around 16h00 the first general conference day with anyone who wants to attend for a broader discussion of say at least one hour. I would like to couple the showcase idea (demoing extensions) and ideas/features to add to pubsvn.

When establishing a link with pubsvn upon roject creation or later, I see a few alternatives (also automated ones), but we should restructure pubsvn a bit as well.

To be continued

eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Sandro Groganz

Wednesday 14 June 2006 2:39:46 am

Hi Paul,

sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation and had to catch up with work.

Yes, this is ambitious, thus it is important - as stated in the plan - to define priorities.

The current phase is a brainstorming of nice-to-have features. At the conf, we can do the hard work and figure how to actually achieve the goals we set.

Your suggestion for the meeting sounds good, although I cannot spend a few hours on this unfortunately. Let's check at the beginning of the partner day, when and with whom we can sit together. We can also make plans for the conference day, e.g. for the hackathon or related talks. I can announce that then, so that others can join in.

Sandro Groganz
Chief Knowledge Officer

Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 18 July 2006 7:06:03 am

I've heard that a meeting did take place at the conference and that Paul Borgermans had a tool ready to go.

Can anyone provide an update?
