Forums / General / Multilingual meta tags

Multilingual meta tags

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Paul Kemper

Tuesday 25 November 2008 11:06:07 pm

Hi all,

I am impressed with eZ and it's multilingual capabilities.

However: I could not find any reference to multilingual meta tags. I did see the descriptions on multi-lingual page content, admin interface, URL aliases.

But can I also have the page title, description/keyword meta tag in a translated version?

Paul Kemper

Frédéric DAVID

Wednesday 26 November 2008 1:15:58 am

The page title is already translated.

For description/keyword meta tag, if you have your website in different siteaccess, you can define foreach site different meta tags.

For example, if you have a siteaccess fr, language used is french. You put in your site.ini

MetaDataArray[description]=Système de Gestion de Contenu
MetaDataArray[keywords]=cms, publish, e-commerce, gestion de contenu

and in a siteaccess en, language used is english. You put in your site.ini

MetaDataArray[description]=Content Management System
MetaDataArray[keywords]=cms, publish, e-commerce, content management

Blog :
feZ Meta Data :

Arnaud Lafon

Wednesday 26 November 2008 1:37:02 am

Hi Paul,

all the metas are usually built by a template called page_head.tpl and you'll be able to override it. So If you define some class attribute like "site_title" or "site_metas" and enable translation, then you'll be able to customize your <meta /> and <title> tags for all your page.

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Paul Kemper

Wednesday 26 November 2008 1:57:29 am

Contrary to Frédéric's example, I assume that every page in my site can have different meta tag contents. Am I correct?

Paul Kemper

Arnaud Lafon

Wednesday 26 November 2008 2:08:48 am

Yes it's possible. You'll have to modify the page_head template, but it's quite simple.

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Paul Kemper

Wednesday 26 November 2008 2:59:35 am

Thanx Arnaud,

I will dive in and see if I can get a sample to work.

Kind regards,

Paul Kemper

Arnaud Lafon

Wednesday 26 November 2008 4:26:11 am

You're welcome. Just let me know If you need more information about this.

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Greg Lakomy

Tuesday 02 December 2008 12:21:37 pm

You could also use global persistent_variable and set your title/keywords/description on individual objects and then pass those values back to page_layout or page_head


Set this in your template:

{set scope=global $persistent_variable=hash(
		'seo_keywords', $node.object.data_map.keywords, 
		'seo_title', $node.object.data_map.title)}

Retrieve in page_head:



Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 02 December 2008 3:29:55 pm

I second Greg's solution - it allows to have different meta tags per every content object without creating a mess of ini settings or having to fecth the current node again in the pagelayout. Plus, since objects are translated, you will have automatically translated the meta-tags, too.

Just remember that you will have to add the template code that sets the persistent variable to every template overriding node/view/full of your website, or at least for all the content classes that have the meta-tags attributes.

An also remember to check in the pagelayout to see if the persistent var has been populated before using it. When you access a module other than content (such as user/login) it will not contain your meta-tags data.

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