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Displaying the newest items first

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Khoa Nghiem

Wednesday 07 July 2010 4:08:15 am


I'm new with ezPublish and I've just managed to install it correctly yesterday.
I've been doing some tests to learn how the CMS works, but it seems that I can't find how to display the most recent items first.

Here is what I try to do :
I've created a folder called "News", which is a direct sub-folder of Home. In that "News" folder, I wrote a few articles.
I have noticed that ezPublish displays the oldest articles first (the first article I wrote appears first, the second article in second, and so on).
I'd like to have the latest articles displayed first, but I did not find how to do that.

Can someone help me with this ?

Also, I would also like to limit the number of articles and if this limit is reached, a new page is generated automaticly. So far, each new article is only placed under the last one, and this can go on indefinitely.


Khoa Nghiem

Wednesday 07 July 2010 5:50:28 am

OK, I solved my first problem, but I still need some help for the second one.

André R.

Wednesday 07 July 2010 8:33:44 am

It is defined in the template, by default it is 10 pr page (at least in ezwebin).

Enable this in your settings/override/site.ini* file to see which template to look into (first one overriding node/view/full.tpl is the one your after):



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