Forums / General / user register and password

user register and password

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Golvier Jean

Monday 21 June 2004 6:40:35 am

Hi everybody,

I tried user register process and discovered that if you let an empty string in "password" and "confirm password" inputs (user account), a new user is created in the database.

Is there any way to make new users enter a non-null string in the form ?

Thanks for help.


Simon Lynch

Tuesday 22 June 2004 4:16:12 am


- using Javascript to validate an entry
- make the system generate a password for the user (see site.ini for the setting and change it in your site.ini.append file in /settings/overrides/

Tim Poole

Wednesday 07 July 2010 8:18:54 am

Add this to site.ini.append.php:


eZ then requires the user to enter a password, rather than generating one behind the scenes.

(I appreciate this reply is 6 years late - but it might help someone!)