Forums / Extensions / Front editing and "inline" content

Front editing and "inline" content

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Sébastien Antoniotti

Wednesday 09 February 2011 8:16:55 am

Hi !

I would like to know how some of you set up the administration (add, edit, delete) of images displayed into galleries when the user is logged on the frontoffice (with the ezwebin toolbar of course).

For example, on a page if we have a photo gallery where the zoom is provided by a lightbox, the url of the full view of the image is never accessible.

Thus, we can not use the ezwebin toolbar to edit or delete images in the gallery.
Same goes for adding images, if images are placed in a folder under the page like this ...

- My gallery (folder or gallery instance)
---- Image 1 (image)
---- Image 2 (image)
---- Picture N (image)

... we do not have access to the node My Gallery to created new images (still from the ezwebin toolbar).

There is the possibility to modify the template that displays the gallery to place under it a link to the full view of "My gallery" only when a user is logged-in but it seems not very user friendly for editors ...

Thanks in advance for your tips !

eZ Publish Freelance
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Peter Keung

Wednesday 09 February 2011 8:40:25 am

In cases such as this, we have a separate "webin" siteaccess. Then, we can create an editor-specific full view override template for the special container classes. The template lists the children, even with edit buttons next to them if necessary. To preserve the ability for editors to see what their content is going to look like, they can always use the preview functionality and select a different siteaccess.
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada

Sébastien Antoniotti

Thursday 10 February 2011 1:04:56 am

Hi Peter and thanks for this tips !

I'll think about an adaptation of this solution because I'm working on a website factory and I wanted to avoid to duplicate the siteaccesses for each site if possible...

eZ Publish Freelance
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