Forums / Discussions / Two weeks to go to the eZ Winter Conference in Nice, Jan 27th and 28th

Friday 14 January 2011 5:15:02 am - 3 replies



As initially announced here, the eZ Winter Conference will take place in Nice, on January 27th & 28th, followed by a ski-trip in the Alps ! Here is an update, read on !


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Author Message

Thiago Campos Viana

Friday 14 January 2011 4:14:34 pm

Oh boy, French Alps? You Europeans are so lucky... Btw, what eZ systems thinks about south america? Any plan for the future ( next four years ) or just not worth the risk?

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Bertrand Dunogier

Saturday 15 January 2011 1:08:04 am

Not that I know of, Thiago, but it's not really about risk here. The largest part of our community & users are currently in europe, even though North America is growing fast.

It would be a great sign for us if we could organize our conference on another continent, trust me ;-)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 17 January 2011 2:07:50 am

Hi Thiago,

As Bertrand said, it is not really about risk, rather about focus. We already have a faire amount of Partners in South America :

  • Brazil :
  • Argentina :
  • Colombia :
  • Venezuela :

Probably forgetting a lot. The main development focuses are North America (Us, Canada) and Europe, for the time being. This does not mean that other regions are not taken care of, but simply conditions the amount of effort granted.

But one of the important things to understand is that if there is a strong community (or growing strong) somewhere, this is a strong sign of interest towards eZ Publish, a clear call for care from eZ, the vendor. So let's continue building a solid South-American community !


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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