Forums / Discussions / The base of the Community Project : eZ Publish Fuji (4.4), released today. Let’s launch the rocket !

Monday 27 September 2010 2:27:11 pm - 21 replies


In parallel of the eZ Publish Enterprise Edition 4.4 (Fuji), here comes the first release of eZ Publish Community Project. Read on to learn more.


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Author Message

Robin Muilwijk

Wednesday 29 September 2010 12:23:35 am

Congratulations to eZ Systems and all who worked on this - the new Fuji release, the start of the Community project, and the new design of

Kind regards, Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

francis Nart

Wednesday 29 September 2010 1:05:02 am

Very good news !

But what we need now is a BIG button on the home page or in the navigation that says "DOWNLOAD" !


Björn [email protected]

Wednesday 29 September 2010 2:02:47 am


Very good news !

But what we need now is a BIG button on the home page or in the navigation that says "DOWNLOAD" !



Good point. I was already missing that on the new site. Plus all the additional downloads for translations and all the other stuff.

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Xavier Serna

Wednesday 29 September 2010 3:44:14 am

I'm going crazy trying to find WHERE I can DOWNLOAD former versions of ezpublish!!!! bad things guys!!!!

Xavier Serna
eZ Publish Certified Developer
Departament de Software
Microblau S.L. -
+34 937 466 205

scrieler _

Wednesday 29 September 2010 8:02:06 am

can't find anything anymore... can't find a link to or downloads and stuff... =/

Bayron Guevara

Wednesday 29 September 2010 8:11:53 am

You can find download links to the previous Ez Publish versions in the github repository. I'm still awaiting for the REst API preview.

Web Developer & Modern Philosopher

Daniele Nocentini

Wednesday 29 September 2010 8:51:01 am

I have installed ezpublish 4.4 but in content structure tab under the title sub-element(8) it's not show the sub element table with create here button. It's a javascript bug?

Antica Bottega Digitale srl

Sandra Parente

Wednesday 29 September 2010 9:12:31 am

Solution for the Subitems non displayed: follow exactly this instruction for virtual host setup;

Sandra Parente

Geoff Bentley

Wednesday 29 September 2010 12:58:21 pm

Please note that eZ Publish 4.4 setup process fails if using eZ Components from PEAR repo.

Use bundled Zeta Components from eZ Publish EE or CE instead.

See for details.

Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 29 September 2010 1:44:24 pm

ezOracle extension can be downloaded at

Note: besides the 2.1 release, compatible with eZP 4.4, a 2.0.4 bugfix release is also available for older eZP versions

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Germano Giuliani

Wednesday 29 September 2010 4:50:09 pm

I understand the business aspect behind this new direction of organizing and the OS community portal. And it's ok. But why did all the downloads of current and past releases dissapear in

Is it moving to Actually I do not find a download of the 4.3 release. Even as a premium subscriber. This seems quite urgent to me. Also the link to the documentation seems to be nowhere, unless you know it or are reading through the blogs.

Folks who currently would evaluate a CMS (enterprise or OS) would probably get a suspicious impression of eZ Publish the way the communication and website is setup right now.

Otherwise, keep up the good work!


Daniele Nocentini

Thursday 30 September 2010 1:14:44 am

Hi Sandra,

thank you for reply but I just have a virtualhost setup and for example in the ezpublish 4.4 alpha the I have installed some month ago the subitems was displayed correctly.

Antica Bottega Digitale srl

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 30 September 2010 2:01:10 am

@Germano: I think downloads of older versions are available now on github.

I fully agree though that there should be links somewhere on the site for things like downloads, changelogs and docs. If those things are pushed to the community site, there should be a way to find it out.

Maybe not a big, prominent panel, but say in the "Related pages" menu in ...

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Roger Stroud

Thursday 30 September 2010 9:16:24 am

I am new to the eZ community and was impressed with the availability of the open source end, with these new changes it raises some doubt about the use of eZ. I don't have the funding to purchase the Enterprise package at this time and was building a customer base on the eZ open source product. As business grows I would have no problem at all with acquiring the Enterprise package. As in the previous comments this has raised some doubt on moving forward.

Roger Stroud
Simplifying I.T.

André R.

Thursday 30 September 2010 12:50:48 pm

GitHub downloads note: These are not the same as our builds, our build system does several things like generating checksums, changing some settings (based on "##!" in settings), bundle extensions and much more. For this very reason we might disable the downloads on github as they are pure tarbals of the versioned source code anyway. Download will be back, probably both on share (CP) and support/, I think Nico has commented on that somewhere.

@Roger / Others on EE / CP: You can still keep on using the Community version now and in the future, and you'll be able to switch between them. Furthermore you can evaluate which version to use pr project, and let the customer decide what level of support they want.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Nicolas Pastorino

Friday 01 October 2010 2:14:11 am

@Francis, Björn, Xavi, scrieler _, Germano : This is planned. A dedicated section will soon land, available from the top-menu : "Product & Code", containing among other :

  • links to downloads of all former versions of eZ Publish
  • downloads of the Community Project builds. The release rhythm and form will be decided by the Community Project Board
  • links to the documentation resources
  • links to the structuring documents of the Community Project : Governance charter, Participation charter and how-to, development guidelines, not to name them all.

By the way, this had be planned during the specification phase of the design contest. You can get a preview of how this can look by clicking the "Product & Code" top-menu entry within the wireframes there : (takes some time to load).

@Björn : there will also be a new top-menu entry for the translation project/team : "Translations". (ref the wireframes above). Stay tuned here. Also, we are currently rethinking the way to contribute translation to better leverage both github and web-based translation interfaces

@scrieler _, Germano : the online documentation is here :

@Daniele, Sandra : thanks for the heads-up. A dedicated discussion was started :

@Geoff : thanks for the heads-up. I see this has been followed up on and solved there : . Nice !

@Roger : The temporary unavailability of the Community Project builds should not confuse you guys. All downloads of the previous versions will be back soon, as stated above. The new things from Fuji on are :

  • The Community Project will be freely available. Free as in free speech, and free beer. GPL, and IP kept by eZ (through signing a CLA when contributing). It will be constantly available, in cutting-edge mode on the github repository ( )
  • The Community Project will be where innovation takes place. Contribution will be open to the broad community on the repository, community committers and contributors working jointly with the eZ Engineering team. The Community Project Board (the final version will be shortly published, alter according to the community feedback) will be the organization leading the Community Project. I encourage you to read and react to the Governance draft.
  • The Enterprise Edition will be closely based on the Community Project. It will add professionally supported features (under the form of eZ Publish extensions), will be either available as GPL or PUL license, based on the project legal constraints, and will only be shipped along with an Enterprise Subscription (formerly known as eZ Publish Premium), or as a 30 days trial.

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

t :
G+ :

Sao Tavi

Saturday 09 October 2010 2:24:45 am

Is it just me, or the package for ezComments is not working with the version of eZ Publish?

I tried several times, but I get something like:

[error] [client {some_ip}] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function mainNode() on 
a non-object in [..]extension/ezcomments/classes/ezcomposthelper.php on line 71, 
referer: [..]

With a little bit of looking into the code, it was fixed, but still it is not nice to post in the release of a new version a link to an extension that will not work.

The problem is that this is the first extension from the list that I tried and, if everything is as messy as this one, it will be a challenge to put the new version up.

Nicolas Pastorino

Saturday 09 October 2010 4:40:16 am

Hi Sao,

While this surprises me, let us try to fix this shortly. The first thing to do would be to report an issue for this here : When reporting, please pick the "Extensions > eZ Comments" component, and detail as much as you can. I am sure Chen, who has been extensively working on this, will swing by and help you.

Cheers and thanks for the heads-up!

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

t :
G+ :

Sao Tavi

Sunday 10 October 2010 2:36:49 pm

Strange, I tried to reproduce the bug (installing everything from scratch), but I could not. They work well on my virtual machine, sorry about this.

Anyway, I am new to ez Publish. Great CMS! I've been working in PHP for several years and the ideea behind eZ Publish is really great. Looking forward to set everything up and start working on the actual project.

Nicolas Pastorino

Sunday 10 October 2010 11:19:02 pm


Strange, I tried to reproduce the bug (installing everything from scratch), but I could not. They work well on my virtual machine, sorry about this.

Anyway, I am new to ez Publish. Great CMS! I've been working in PHP for several years and the ideea behind eZ Publish is really great. Looking forward to set everything up and start working on the actual project.


Good to hear that everything is ok now, and welcome again to the eZ Community !

See you around,
Cheers !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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G+ :

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