Forums / Developer / Workflow approbation

Workflow approbation

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Eric Bourgain

Friday 06 April 2007 4:30:29 am

I'm developping an extension where the approbation is made by users/group choosen in a LDAP directory. These users may not be ezuser yet, the groups are not ez groups, and we browse the LDAP directory instead of the users.

For the moment, I've writent my eventtype, that inherits ezapprovetype, and a ldapbrowse class.

When I want to add a user, I create it on the fly (using the same code than ezldapuser). I see it the list of the created user. I see it in the event data_text1 attribute. But when I use approve_users, I get an empty array: I never see the selected users.

In my event class, I override the methods attributeDecoder, fetchHTTPInput, customWorkflowEventHTTPAction and of course execute.

I know I will have to solve some problems with the groups (I do not have group ID, only LDAP dn), but I thought that with the users, as I create them and that I have true ez ID, it will be fine.

Can anyone help me? thanx