Forums / Developer / Using frames
Julien Plesniak
Friday 20 July 2007 7:48:09 am
I want to use frames in a template of my administration.
I use this code to insert a frame file:
<FRAME SRC="design/admin_c/templates/resultat_rech_candidature.tpl" NAME="resultatrech">
But it doesn't work. How to do this?
Jeroen de Jong
Wednesday 25 July 2007 6:40:47 am
Hi Julien,
That wont work.
1 Make an override for design/admin_c/templates/resultat_rech_candidature.tpl 2 Match with a node3 Use the url to this node as SRC
<FRAME SRC={"node" | ezurl} NAME="resultatrech">
Hope that helps.
André R.
Wednesday 25 July 2007 7:33:24 am
Why use frames when you have a template system ?
Frames where used in the late 90's because it was the only way to separate design from content. In eZ Publish you have a page layout, template system and override system to do this for you in a much more fine gained, clean and post 2000 manner.
EDIT: and if you want to have zones that are not updated all the time, you will be better off using ajax.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Thursday 26 July 2007 11:18:45 pm
Hello,thanks for help. Finally, i used ajax on my search form.