Forums / Developer / Allowing Editor role to create/edit/remove Editors

Allowing Editor role to create/edit/remove Editors

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Chris Lukenbill

Friday 20 July 2007 1:53:53 pm

This is something I haven't set up before and can't figure out how to do. The editors need to be able to create, edit and remove other editors.

So I have the following policies set on the Editor role that I thought would be enough. (this is a subset of the policies that reference this functionality)

Content --> read --> no limitiations

Content --> create --> Subtree( Editors ) , Class( User group , User )

Content --> edit --> Subtree( Editors ) , Class( User group , User )

Content --> remove --> Subtree( Editors ) , Class( User group , User )

Let me know what else I would need.



André R.

Monday 23 July 2007 4:20:34 am

Could you elaborate on what the problem is?
Aren't they allowed to read the editors subtree ? (meybee they need to read the user node as well?)
Create editors?
Edit editors?
Delete editors?

Did you remember to logout and in again with the editor you are testing with when doing the role change ? (alt. cleared user cache)

And what version are you running?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Chris Lukenbill

Monday 23 July 2007 7:08:07 am

The issue is that I need the people that are in the "Editors" user group, which are have the "Editor" role assigned to them, to be able to create editors, edit editors and also delete editors.

From what I can tell I have added all the rights to the "Editor" role, that they would need.

They have the policies assigned that I explained above, including one I forgot to mention, which is user --> all functions --> no limitations

I have cleared cache by both logging out and back in and also by clearing all cache from the admin.

Currently I am running this site on 3.9.0, but am changing that to 3.9.2 here after I get done writing this post.

André R.

Monday 23 July 2007 7:34:49 am

You misunderstand, I know what you want (that the editors can add/edit/delete other editors).
But I don't know what kind of error message you get, and what you try to do when you get them.

For instance, if you log in with a editor are you allowed to browse the user area? (probably not since you didn't mention any read rights to the 'Users' node as mentioned above)

If not try going directly to /users/editors
If you have access to that url, try modifying / adding / deleting a user.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Chris Lukenbill

Monday 23 July 2007 7:52:34 am

Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your last post.

When I try to access the "User accounts" tab with the editor (and also try browsing directly to "/users/editors") I receive the following default error:

<b> The requested page could not be displayed. (1)
The system is unable to display the requested page because of security issues.

Possible reasons:

Your account does not have the proper privileges to access the requested page.
The requested page does not exist. Try changing the URL. </b>

Jon Staines

Friday 30 May 2008 6:40:24 am

In case anybody else encounters this error here is what I found fixed it. At the bottom of the Editor's role page you will see a section titled:

  Users and groups using the <Editor> role

By default this is set to Editors with limitations of Subtree (/1/2/) and Subtree (/1/43/) which are your Content and Media parts. Add a new assignment with limitations for Editors in the Users section which is Subtree (/1/5/).

So long as you have permissions like those mentioned in the above posts (read access on the Users part you need) you should now be able to access the Users section as an Editor.