Forums / Developer / Too slow and strange show after finished payment order

Too slow and strange show after finished payment order

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Quynh Nguyen

Monday 06 April 2009 4:36:32 pm

I tried ezpaypal and it will show the order status after confirmed and payment. It is normal.

I write my own extension for MIGS based on ezpaypal, because it uses redirect style to interchange information. The only thing different is: MIGS send back via GET not POST likes paypal. Every thing is good. After payment in payment gateway finished, it redirect information back to my website. I saw the log and see that after right checking payment status, the payment was approved.

But the time from my extension done its job to show the next screen is so long. About 1 minute. I see that it only show after send email to customer and administrator. Maybe the email setting is the mainly problem makes it slow. I don't know and I will check...

However, after sending email done. The result page is: nothing (only header and footer). In ezpaypal, after received the result from payment gateway in, checked and approved payment, it show the order status:<ordernumber>. But mine after checked and approved payment, it still shows the page: and it does not forward to the order status.

I tried many times and the same result. Please help me... Thanks so much!