Forums / Developer / Dynamic Data Map Access fails

Dynamic Data Map Access fails

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Wenzel Wondra

Monday 06 April 2009 6:52:50 am


I have some integer datatypes in my object. They are all named something like "contingent_cat_1", "contingent_cat_2", and so on.

On my test server (PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.5) I can access the values using

{foreach $foo as $bar}
{set $idx = inc( $idx )}
{set $contingentCat = concat( 'contingent_cat_', $idx )}
{if gt( $node.object.data_map.$contingentCat.data_int, 0 )}

On the production server (PHP 5.2.0-8+etch13), the same code fails with an
Error: eZTemplate:eZTemplateCompiler
"PHP variable $if_cond1['Array'] does not exist, cannot fetch the value."

Also the other syntax $node.object.data_map[$dynamicField].data_int doesn't work...

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Forgot to mention: It's EZP 4.1

Wenzel Wondra

Tuesday 07 April 2009 9:51:06 am

When I use:
instead of

Everything works fine on both servers :)
