Forums / Developer / Switching my site from eng-GB to some other language

Switching my site from eng-GB to some other language

Author Message

Trond Åge Kvalø

Tuesday 18 May 2004 1:09:30 am

I have set up a site using eng-GB as the main and only language. Since that was what was recommended in the tutorial.

Now that the site is finished, how can I switch from eng-GB as the main language to nor-NO?

Are there any caveats I should be aware of? I do not need to have a multilingual site.


best regards


Alex Jones

Tuesday 18 May 2004 7:14:47 am

You should be able to do this by making a change in your site.ini.append file:

# The primary language for your site

As always, make sure to clear all the caches after putting these changes in place.

I don't know of any issues with the change.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Trond Åge Kvalø

Wednesday 19 May 2004 12:00:51 am

Hello Alex!

Thanks for your reply. I can now enlighten you, and tell you that there's at least one caveat :-)

When I did this change, I got the following error message:

Object is unavailable.

Anyone got an idea why?

best regards


Rinze Cats

Wednesday 19 May 2004 1:52:18 am

mm, i'd first check if the translation is in place (share/translations)I use a translation for 3.3.3 and 3.3.5 and it works fine!

i have this in the site.ini for my site for the dutch translation


Børge Kjeldstad

Monday 24 May 2004 3:32:33 am

I tried to do the same as Trond Åge and got the same message:
"object not available". Did follow Rinze's advice and checked
if the translation was in place (share/translations). It was...
So something else must be wrong I think..
Thanks for any advices : )