Forums / Developer / Pagination on blog content type?

Pagination on blog content type?

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Rich R

Tuesday 23 February 2010 3:18:35 am


Im not sure if I have missed anything but I am trying to achieve pagination on blog posts within my blog. Is there a setting somewhere to show a certain number of blog posts per page by default? Or am I going to need to add that functionallity myself?


Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 24 February 2010 5:38:11 am

Hi Rich and welcome aboard !

Not having so much information about the context of your issue (ez publish version, custom design and content classes or not, etc.. ) i'd advise to spot the template used for displaying the blog posts, and search for a variable called $limit or something similar. This variable is most likely used to limit the amount of blog posts fetched ( in a 'fetch' function in the template ), and conditions pagination as well.

Let us know how it goes,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Serhey Dolgushev

Saturday 27 February 2010 1:08:16 pm


Here is a link to JavaScript paginator: (it requires mootools framework).

I hoe it will help you :)

cousin mosquito

Tuesday 02 March 2010 6:20:55 pm

Yes, I would also like to know how you can limit the amount of blog postings shown on a page.
Surely someone must know ?

Sometimes getting a useful response on this forum is like getting blood from a stone.

Asking the dumb questions for your benefit

cousin mosquito

Tuesday 02 March 2010 7:20:07 pm


Yes, I would also like to know how you can limit the amount of blog postings shown on a page.
Surely someone must know ?

Sometimes getting a useful response on this forum is like getting blood from a stone.


Ok here it is:

grep -r blog * > blog.txt
more blog.txt

This one appears to be the correct "blog.tpl"

..on line 13.

{def $page_limit = 10

change the 10 something a lot smaller if you have more than a handful of images because it will be pig slow.

I hope somebody else finds this useful.

Asking the dumb questions for your benefit

Luc Chase

Thursday 05 May 2011 11:43:09 am

The default blog.tpl or folder.tpl will show you how.

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