Forums / Developer / Module rewrite links for iis

Module rewrite links for iis

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Romeo Antony

Monday 23 August 2010 1:58:27 am

I am using IIS webserver for my ez configuartion. I would like to set up virtual host for iis. I need to understand how rewritting is done.

Can anyone suggest me a proper web link for module rewrite , so I can understand it better.

Any help will be appreciable


André R.

Tuesday 24 August 2010 4:27:16 am

The rewrite rules we provide in our docs are for Apache mod_rewrite module, it's doc is here:

There is a forum thread here somewhere on nginx setup that covers rewrite rules, and might be one for iis as well but iis just got proper fast cgi support (last year+/-) so wouldn't count on it as most people use *nix for prod setup since it just works and works best/fastest for ezp/php.

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Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 24 August 2010 7:43:44 am

If you're running iis6, get IIRF here:

It has basically the same syntax as apache, so you should be fine.

For iis7 syntax, I guess you could open a feat. request in the eZP tracker, as we have no working example, afaik.

A thread with some info on iis6 setups is this one:

For rewrite rules on iis7, just google for it, and you will find tutorials on how to configure them.


Then open the standard .htaccess file that comes with eZP and convert existing rules one by one...

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Romeo Antony

Wednesday 25 August 2010 2:41:38 am

Thank you Andre, Gaetano for your reply.

It is good to know that that syntax of IIS6 rewrite rules is almost same as apache as Gaetano said. But as far as using IIS7 , it will be really headache for me.

I have got some tutorials from google. I will try IIS7. if that not works I should consider IIS6 . I think that would be a good idea from Gaetano.

Thanks a lot Andre, Gaetano.