Forums / Developer / executed the runcronjob but nithing happened !!

executed the runcronjob but nithing happened !!

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zaxofeel .v

Monday 02 April 2007 9:14:04 am

hello there
I've completed the guest book tutorial provided in the documentation, everything is fine except for the last step
after I executed the runcronjob script with no errors ...
the items waiting for approval is still there in the admin, not published.
does anybody has any idea why would this happen, although the script returned no errors?

Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 11 April 2007 2:29:42 pm

When I made my first eZ steps, I also had hard time trying to figure it out whether runcronjobs.php script has done anything at all.

Now I know, that the script provides feedback and being able to analyze it is a must. The best way for me is by executing runcronjobs via linux shell (PHP CLI must be installed and configured). It is also possible to send the results to the browser, in case of my hosting environment it required commenting out one line in /kernel/classes/ezscript.php, near line 180:

if(php_sapi_name()!='cli') {
  exit(1); // you comment this line out 

It is all administrative work, though...

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Nabil Alimi

Wednesday 11 April 2007 2:46:55 pm

Hi Zax,

I took a look at the <i>old</i> guestbook tutorial and it states running runcronjobs.php as is. Since recent versions, the approval script is in a cronjob part. You need to run :

php runcronjobs.php frequent

to execute it.

Best regards.

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eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057
nabil at assiki d0t fr

Piotrek Karaś

Wednesday 11 April 2007 2:55:47 pm

What's 'guestbook' by the way? :)))

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o.,
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Nabil Alimi

Wednesday 11 April 2007 3:26:41 pm

Some tutorial to learn eZpublish basics. That brings me memories. :)

You can check it here :

It contains valuable informations for people handling the "eZpublish-beast" for the 1st time. ;)

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eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057
nabil at assiki d0t fr