Monday 08 September 2008 2:28:04 am
If you modify: standard/templates/content/datatype/result/info/enhancedezbinaryfile.tpl like this:
{section show=$:attribute.data_text}
<a href={$:attribute.data_text|parsexml("Filename")|ezroot}>
{$:attribute.data_text|parsexml("OriginalFilename")}</a> {'succesfully uploaded.'|i18n( 'design/standard/content/datatype' )}
{*'File succesfully uploaded.'|i18n( 'design/standard/content/datatype' )*} {/section} You'll see the file link in the results. However, the person uploading the file will also see it on the results page, which may not be desirable unless the extension is restricted. Otherwise, you'll probably want to wrap that with some kind of authentication such as was done with the ez4 version of the datatype - take a look at:
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