Forums / Developer / Dynamic Content Stucture menu (AJAX) prototype

Dynamic Content Stucture menu (AJAX) prototype

Author Message

David Heath

Wednesday 26 October 2005 4:35:42 am


I've just committed 2 changes to the dynamic menu:

1. added an ini file with a setting allowing you to configure the timeout value. The default is 6 seconds. The setting is in settings/dynamicmenu.ini.append.php:

# timeout in milli seconds

2. Added tool tips. Also I added a small enhancement which is to make it show the Object ID as well as the Node ID. Hope this is good for others.

David Heath
Developer | VisionWT

Kristian Hole

Saturday 29 October 2005 2:42:15 am


I have now updated the contribution page with Davids latest changes.

I just figured out that you can actually get a tarball directly from websvn. If you want the latest version of the menu, you can just use the link below, and it will automatically create a tarball of the latest files in svn:

It's Magic ;-)


Kristian Hole

Monday 31 October 2005 2:40:03 am


I committed some changes which allows the menu to remember which elements that are open. Grab it from SVN. After some testing, I will release a new version.


Daniel Beyer

Tuesday 01 November 2005 7:08:55 am

Hi Kristian,

we did an ajax treemenu, too. I didn't test yours for quite a long time now, so i don't know how advanced it is. But the one we made is heavily tested and in productional use for quite some time now - and it includes every single feature the original one from eZ publish 3.6.1 has (including a fallback if javascript is disabled).

I think Sandro send this treemenu to you about a week ago. If you didn't tested it yet, forget about the one via email an use the one here on, as we've done a litle code-cleanup in it.

Bad both of us made the same thing - we didn't plan to start a competition, but really needed a stable solution. And as there wasn't one in sight in september we had to write it ourselfs.

Sorry we didn't commit this earlier and I didn't get in contact with you. Could have saved much work for both of us!

Promise: I won't let something like this happen again!

@all with tons of objects: Now there are two contributions - hope one of them fits your needs ;)

Greetings, Daniel.

p.s.: Forgot the link to the second tree menu:

Daniel Beyer
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland

Kristian Hole

Tuesday 01 November 2005 7:32:29 am

Hi Daniel!

I got the menu from Sandro, and I tested it. I think it works even better than the one David and I developed.

Thanks a lot for sharing this Daniel, I'm sure lots of people will enjoy this extension.



Bo Vejgaard

Wednesday 02 November 2005 1:43:36 am

I have just checked out the newest version, and it puts the letter asdf at the end of all my menuitems.

I am running a site with multiple admin-siteaccesses, and the extension only works for the main admin-siteaccess.

Kristian Hole

Wednesday 02 November 2005 3:05:47 am

Hi Bo,

Removed the asdf (debug code) from SVN now.

The menu plugs into the admin design, if you want it to work for other designs, you can go to the dynamicmenu/design folder and make a similar folder as admin with your designname (symlink might be smart).

Did you have the same problems with characterset with Daniels menu? I haven't been able to reproduce your problems yet..


Daniel Beyer

Wednesday 02 November 2005 5:14:29 am

Hi Bo,

ezodcsm (the other ajax-tree) can be enabled on other admin interfaces. Actually you can use it on your user sites, too. Just enable it with "ActiveExtensions[]=ezodcsm" in you /settings/site.ini and it should come up everywhere you're using the normal tree menu before.

Link to ezodcsm:

Daniel Beyer
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland

Bo Vejgaard

Wednesday 02 November 2005 5:21:23 am

I still have the specielcharacter problem, but I'm planning an update to version 3.6.3 today, an I hope that will help, otherwise I will look into updating the MySQL.
I've got the menu working on the other siteaccess, but there are a few folder, where it won't open the subtree when i click the '+', and i don't understand why.

I tried your extension on my large site, but it was significantly slover than this dynamic menu, and there was some folders as well, that wouldn't open.

Bo Vejgaard

Thursday 03 November 2005 3:41:00 am

Bugs and Wishes.

Bug: After you introduced the code, for the emnu to remember which parts where open, I have had a problem. If I have the menu for a folder open under the content part, and then switch to the medialibrary, then the folder which where open, will still be marked as open (with a '-') when i return to content, but the menuentries isn't shown, and if i press the '-' to close the menu, and then the '+' to open it agian, there are still no items.

Wish: It would be nice if there where some kind of marking of nodes that are hidden, like there is in the original eZ-menu.

Tony Wood

Monday 07 November 2005 3:33:34 am

Hi Daniel, Kristian.

It makes sense for us to pull together behind one product, taking the best from both and then moving forward.

There are a great many things to implement, we use the Dynamic menu in a few projects now and it has been a life-saver so by working together we can make it even better.

I suggest Daniel/Kristian/David that we put together a plan for merging code (if needed) and then start planning next steps.



Tony Wood :
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Kristian Hole

Tuesday 08 November 2005 12:53:35 am

Hi Tony,

I think that the ezodcsm menu developed by Daniel is the menu with the most complete functionality, and which uses templates that are closest to the original templates. Based on this, I think that continuing our efforts on the ezodcsm menu is the smartest thing to do. The timeout should be easy to implement in the ezodcsm menu.


Esteban Rodriguez

Friday 16 December 2005 8:10:14 am

Great work, it really saved me lots of hassle on a site with lots of content. The standard menu was killing the browser.
Congrats to everybody.

I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

Denis Igin

Wednesday 09 August 2006 3:38:37 am

moved the post to other thread