Forums / Developer / Control the behaviour of the Web Site Toolbar

Control the behaviour of the Web Site Toolbar

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Albe Terra

Thursday 31 July 2008 2:14:49 am

I have a site with this structure:

Archive -> Document -> Attachment

Documents are sub-items of the Archive, and so are Attachments for Document.

If I create a Document with the Web Site Toolbar, by default, at the end of the operation, the system goes back to the parent node, so it goes back to the Archive.

I want to change this behaviour so that when I finish to create a Document, the system moves to the view of the new node I have just created, so showing me the new Document.

How can I do this?


Albe Terra

Thursday 31 July 2008 6:49:02 am

I found an hidden element in the edit form called "RedirectURIAfterPublish"...I think that's what I was looking for!

The problem in now: how can I change this value only for one content class? So that when I edit instances of this class, the value is cutomized according to my needs.

Thanks! Albe

Gabriel Finkelstein

Thursday 31 July 2008 11:24:29 am

You could do an override of edit.tpl for that class and add that hidden field.
Something like:


André R.

Thursday 31 July 2008 12:12:03 pm

And since you don't have the node id before the object is published the first time, you'll need to create a module that takes object id as input and redirects you to the url of the main node of the object.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Albe Terra

Friday 01 August 2008 5:48:58 am

Thanks to all!

So I have to use the attribute "RedirectURIAfterPublish" to redirect the user to a custom module?

And how can I obtain the ID of the node when I'm in the module and make the redirection to the view of the node?

Thanks to all!