Blogs / team / RFC : more participation through a reworked “Get Involved” section.

RFC : more participation through a reworked “Get Involved” section.

Thursday 31 March 2011 4:10:25 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Introduction page (/get-involved)

Tabview :
[develop] [exchange] [tutorials] [internationalize] [spread the word] [events] [infrastructure]

As a new comer or a long-distance member, you can find, right here on this page, guidance on how to get involved. Come as you are, there is something for you. And no, you do not have to be a senior coder to wire-in :)

This place is the eZ Community. It reflects eZ Systems dedicated care towards its community, and the eZ Ecosystem 's core philosophy: Open, Share, Innovate. By being open, sharing ideas and experiences together, we believe we can achieve greater things.


The eZ Community is for anybody having a degree of connection with eZ Publish : developers, eZ Partners, eZ Customers, IT managers, technology deciders, content editors, journalists. Implicitly, lots of connected communities are warmly welcomed here too : designers, php developers, web developers, architects, open-source lovers, evangelists, analysts, content management experts, Apache Zeta Components users & developers, Solr addicts, TinyMCE users and developers, etc.


This place is meant to be as attractive, open, helpful, rich in exchanges, innovative, intense and fun as possible to all eZ-Publish-connected people.

Personal recognition, gratification, fun, more knowledge, new skills, career and business opportunities, visibility, meeting new people from all around the globe at eZ Events, that is what you can get in return.


Questions / Contact

If you have any questions regarding the participation model, or the community project, please contact us through community AT ez DOT no. Also, feel free to contact members of the share team, the people behind this platform.